Monday, November 29, 2010


There are two handouts relating to fonts and typography on that you need to copy and learn.  It would be in your best interest to read and take notes over this information.  You should be checking on this blog and class jump on a regular basis.


You should all be done with finding fifty logos.  Use the examples you have found to start on your assignment of creating three new logos.  You may use type and imagery but think about the spacing, proximity and the meaning formed by the linking of images and type.

You will create a personal logo, a logo for an existing company/ band/ corporation/ etc.. and one made up of your choosing.  The logo you create could be incorporated into your cologne magazine ad.  I will be looking for thumbnail designs (quick, small, and not yet refined), your rough ideas (closer to actual size, working through simple variations to refine the design) and your final presentation design.

What is a logo?
- logos marks consisting of pronounceable words,
- related to familiar visual and phonic codes- identity devices,
- logos are one word- shorter the better
- relationship of logo sound with the letter forms
- should be researched for effectiveness, understanding and context correctness
Traits of good symbols:
- positive association
- easy identification
- reduction symbols
- few colors
- occupied/ unoccupied (positive and negative) space association
-flow, direction, spacing
Thumbnails- Preliminary sketches
- Thinking with your pencil
- small idea sketches drawn quickly, in great quantity
Roughs - larger sketches which represent best ideas, sharpened edges, crisp details drawn to size
Presentation Design - precisely drawn in required presentation size